34 Resources For Seniors

Table of Contents
- 1. A Place for Mom
- 2. Alzheimer’s Association
- 3. Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias Education and Referral Center (ADEAR)
- 4. Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
- 5. American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
- 6. American Cancer Society
- 7. American Heart Association
- 8. Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)
- 9. Caregiver Action Network (CAN)
- 10. Caregiver Resources and Long Term Care – U.S. Department. of Health and Human Services
- 11. Caring Connections
- 12. Center for Retirement Research
- 13. Corporation for National and Community Service Senior Corps
- 14. Elderabuse.org
- 15. Eldercare Locator
- 16. Fall Prevention Center of Excellence (FPCE)
- 17. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Tips for Seniors
- 18. Guide to Long-Term Care for Veterans
- 19. Health Finder
- 20. Health in Aging Foundation (HiAF)
- 21. Meals on Wheels
- 22. Medicare.gov
- 23. Medicare Rights Center
- 24. National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC)
- 25. National Care Planning Council
- 26. National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)
- 27. National Council on Aging (NCOA)
- 28. National Institute on Aging (NIA)
- 29. New Old Age Blog (New York Times)
- 30. Nursing Home Abuse Center
- 31. Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
- 32. Seniorliving.org
- 33. Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
- 34. Travel Sassy Seniors
- Conclusion
As you get older, you may be faced with new challenges, and there are many resources available to help you find the information you need to meet them. You may have questions about your Medicare benefits, legal and financial issues, independent living assistance programs, selecting a caregiver, disease prevention, home modifications, retired veterans’ assistance, social services, or volunteer opportunities to help you stay active in your community, as well as many other topics specific to seniors.
If you are looking for resources specifically directed toward older adults, where do you begin to find the information or assistance you need? We have done the research for you. We have compiled a list of places to find resources to help you continue to live the life you want as you age. You can use this as a guide to find assistance and information about a wide range of topics pertaining to seniors. We hope you find it useful.
1. A Place for Mom
This is a nationwide referral service that helps seniors and their families find high-quality living and care options for seniors, including assisted living facilities, long-term care facilities, memory care centers, independent living facilities, senior care homes, and nursing homes. Learn more here.
2. Alzheimer’s Association
This organization provides information on the care, support, and research of Alzheimer’s Disease. This includes tips on living with the disease, new research and treatments, clinical trials, community resources, and caregiving. There are local chapters in communities across the United States. Learn more here.
3. Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias Education and Referral Center (ADEAR)
This center is a service provided by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its goal is to compile, archive, and distribute information on Alzheimer’s and related dementias to those with these diseases, their families, and medical professionals. Learn more here.
4. Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
This nationwide organization is dedicated to helping those living with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers and families by offering support, resources, education, and information on treatments. It also funds research to find improved treatment options and a cure for the disease and related dementias. Learn more here.
5. American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
AARP is a nonprofit organization that helps people aged 50 and older maintain healthy, active lives. Its website provides information on products, services, discounts, and other information that pertains specifically to seniors. Learn more here.
6. American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society is a nonprofit organization that works to combat all types of cancer through research, advocacy, patient and family support, managing treatment and recovery, prevention, and recognizing the signs of cancer. Learn more here.
7. American Heart Association
The American Heart Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving cardiovascular health and reducing disability and deaths caused by cardiovascular disease. This includes raising funds for medical research, educating consumers about healthy living, and providing information on how to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Learn more here.
8. Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)
Area Agencies on Aging serve seniors at local and state levels through a network of more than 620 organizations. Its senior services and programs include nutrition and meal programs, transportation, insurance counseling, caregiver support, and assistance with completing applications for programs, such as Medicaid and veterans’ services. Learn more here.
9. Caregiver Action Network (CAN)
CAN is an organization that works to support family caregivers who are caring for seniors or other loved ones with chronic medical conditions or disabilities. It also offers an online family caregiver toolbox with additional information on a variety of topics, such as nutrition, managing medications, respite care, advance directives, support groups and technology. Learn more here.
10. Caregiver Resources and Long Term Care – U.S. Department. of Health and Human Services
The Department of Health and Human Services provides many resources related to long-term care for seniors. Some topics are alternatives to nursing homes, caregiver resources, Medicare information, health information counseling, aging at home, advance directives, veterans’ services, and other care programs. Learn more here.
11. Caring Connections
Caring Connections is a program provided by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. It offers free resources and information about end-of-life services, including advance care planning, finances, hospice care, and grief. Learn more here.
12. Center for Retirement Research
Boston College’s Center for Retirement Research provides a wide range of retirement-related information for seniors, such as reports, research papers, public pension information, news articles, and a retirement calculator to determine how long their retirement savings will last. Learn more here.
13. Corporation for National and Community Service Senior Corps
Senior Corps works with senior volunteers in their communities through their foster grandparent and senior companion programs, and other volunteer opportunities, such as tutoring or mentoring disadvantaged or disabled youth, teaching English to immigrants, assisting natural disaster victims, and renovating homes. Learn more here.
14. Elderabuse.org
This organization is dedicated to providing support for seniors by working to prevent elder abuse through research, education, advocacy, and other services. Its work covers physical, financial, psychological, nursing home, and elder sexual abuse. Learn more here.
15. Eldercare Locator
The Eldercare Locator is a free service provided by the U.S. Administration on Aging in cooperation with the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. This service helps seniors connect with local organizations that provide services, such as legal support, caregiving services, transportation, and home repair. Learn more here.
16. Fall Prevention Center of Excellence (FPCE)
Based at the University of Southern California’s Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, this organization provides a national directory as a resource for seniors to find local construction and renovation professionals to make home modifications to accommodate their changing mobility and accessibility needs so they can safely continue living at home. Learn more here and here.
17. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Tips for Seniors
The FDA’s website includes links where seniors can go for information on safely using medications prescribed for various health conditions. Tips include how to talk with your pharmacist and common drug interactions. Learn more here.
18. Guide to Long-Term Care for Veterans
This guide, offered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, provides information on long-term care resources for veterans, including residential care facilities, community-based programs, advance care planning, memory loss, and other health information. Learn more here.
19. Health Finder
The Healthfinder program operates under the umbrella of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is a website that includes information and links to resources for seniors, such as health-related websites, support services, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Learn more here.
20. Health in Aging Foundation (HiAF)
The HiAF is dedicated to helping seniors maintain their health, independence, and quality of life through education, information on health and aging, caregiver resources, and access to a large network of healthcare professionals who specialize in geriatrics. Learn more here.
21. Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels is a program that operates through local organizations to provide meals to seniors in nearly every community across the United States. Its goal is to provide healthy, nutritious meals to seniors in their homes. Learn more here.
22. Medicare.gov
Medicare’s website is a resource for seniors who need information about their Medicare benefits, such as how to apply, how to find care, what services are covered, supplements and other health insurance, claims, and financial responsibility. Learn more here.
23. Medicare Rights Center
The Medicare Rights Center focuses on ensuring access to health care for seniors and people with disabilities, as well as helping people understand their rights and benefits, how the Medicare system works, and how to access quality healthcare. It does this through educational programs, advocacy, counseling, and public policy initiatives. Learn more here.
24. National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC)
This organization focuses on providing the information that senior citizens need to remain in their homes for as long as possible, such as community-based services for independent living, financial services, and legal services. Learn more here.
25. National Care Planning Council
This organization provides seniors and their families with information and resources on long-term care planning through creating public awareness, education and training, and a website that offers directories for services by state. Learn more here.
26. National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)
The NCEA is a national resource center that was established by the U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) to provide information on research, training, news, best practices, and resources related to preventing elder abuse. Learn more here.
27. National Council on Aging (NCOA)
The National Council on Aging partners with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and businesses to provide seniors with information on available community services and online programs, including healthy living and economic resources. Learn more here.
28. National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Under the umbrella of the National Institute on Health, the NIA conducts research and provides information on topics related to aging and the well-being of seniors, including medical conditions, the aging process, physical activity, and health topics. Learn more here.
29. New Old Age Blog (New York Times)
This blog by the New York Times features articles that cover a variety of topics of interest to seniors, including health care, retirement issues, Medicare, addressing age discrimination, preventing fraud, long-term care, and preventing dementia. Learn more here.
30. Nursing Home Abuse Center
This organization’s website offers information designed to protect seniors by preventing nursing home abuse and neglect throughout the United States. It provides information on selecting a nursing home or care facility, how to identify and report abuse, and how to take legal action if abuse occurs. Learn more here.
31. Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
PACE assists seniors with finding programs and services, including medical care, rehabilitation, personal care, home care services, inpatient services, adult day centers, medical equipment, family caregiver support services, and transportation assistance. Learn more here.
32. Seniorliving.org
This website provides information on how seniors can access government services, such as housing, nutrition and health, employment, and other government aid programs specifically targeted to seniors. Learn more here.
33. Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
SCORE is a partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration that helps entrepreneurs by providing educational resources, offering workshops, and matching them up with retired entrepreneurs who volunteer to mentor them. This allows retired senior volunteers to stay active in their communities by sharing their knowledge with new entrepreneurs and helping them grow their businesses. Learn more here.
34. Travel Sassy Seniors
Travel Sassy Seniors is a website that offers articles and information on issues relevant to mature travelers. Topics include travel insurance for seniors, best destinations for seniors, group tours, cruises, wildlife experiences, driving tours, and travel tips specifically for seniors. Learn more here.
The next time you’re looking for assistance or resources, you can use this guide to help you get the answers and the help you need. Let us know if you know of any other useful resources, and we will add them to this list.